Dozens feared dead after Russian bomb levels Ukraine school

ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine (AP) — Dozens of Ukrainians were feared dead Sunday after a Russian bomb flattened a school sheltering about 90 people in its basement, while Ukrainian troops refused to surrender at a besieged steel plant that Moscow’s invading forces sped to seize before Russia’s Victory Day holiday. read more...

Leni Robredo: The woman leading the Philippines' 'pink revolution'

In 1986, the Philippine capital Manila was awash with yellow when the People Power movement toppled dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Now, more than 30 years on, opponents of his son's presidential run are uniting behind one woman for what's been called a "pink revolution" - to stop the return of the Marcos dynasty. read more...

Who is Alina Kabaeva, Putin's alleged girlfriend?

Russia is already under unprecedented sanctions and now the EU could target Alina Kabaeva, a politician, media boss, former Olympic gymnast, and - if the rumours are true - Vladimir Putin's girlfriend and mother to some of his children. read more...

South Korea: North Korea test-fired missile from submarine

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea flight-tested a ballistic missile that was likely fired from a submarine on Saturday, South Korea’s military said, continuing a provocative streak in weapons demonstrations that may culminate with a nuclear test in the coming weeks or months read more...

Man gets life for killings in California, Texas

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man who pleaded guilty to a series of Southern California attacks that killed five men and injured seven others was sentenced Friday to life in prison without possibility of parole. read more...

Taiwan says hopes world would sanction China if it invades

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan hopes that the world would sanction China like it is sanctioning Russia for its war on Ukraine if Beijing invaded the island, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said on Saturday. read more...

Taliban to force Afghan women to wear face veil

Afghan women will have to wear the Islamic face veil for the first time in decades under a decree passed by the country's ruling Taliban militants. read more...

EU Iran nuclear-talks coordinator to visit Tehran amid stalled talks, Nour News reports

DUBAI, (Reuters) - The European Union's Iran nuclear talks coordinator Enrique Mora is to visit Tehran on Tuesday, the semi-official agency Nour News reported on Saturday, as talks to revive Iran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers have stalled. read more...

Philippines' Marcos, Robredo set for rousing final rallies as presidential vote looms

MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines presidential candidates geared up for final rallies on Saturday to galvanise support and win over undecided voters, two days from an election plagued by misinformation campaigns and the rekindling of a bitter rivalry dating back decades. read more...

Ukraine braces for escalated attacks ahead of Russia’s V-Day

ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian troops solidified their positions around the nation’s second-largest city Saturday as Russian forces delivered more punishing attacks on an embattled steelworks in a bid to complete their conquest of the southern port of Mariupol in time for Victory Day celebrations. read more...

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